Sunday, June 06, 2010

Exciting discovery!

I just now discovered that Pi Pizzeria has Daiya cheese as an option for their pizza toppings! Vegan pizza! At a very popular restaurant (one that even our president likes!)

I am not usually so exclamatory, but this is pretty darn exciting. This is a place I can go out to eat with my not-even-close-to-vegan friends, and we can all be happy. Plus, we just discovered the awesomeness that is Daiya cheese at home in the past month or two, so I know it is delicious and the kids will be happy, too. But really, the awesomeness of the part where we can go out with our friends cannot be overstated.



Unknown said...

Hi Susan,

A friend of mine just forwarded me your link and I am VERY happy to hear that I can eat at Pi. I have been vegan for almost 8 years now and having an actual vegan pizza WITH a cheese substitute that I don't have to make on my own or buy from WholeFoods or Trader Joe's is just... AMAZING! So, please... use exclamation marks. Throw in a few happy faces even :-)

Susan said...

It is pretty exciting, isn't it? :-) We still haven't ventured out to try it due to my attempts to spend less money, but I remain excited.

I hear that Katie's pizzeria on Clayton Road across from the Schnuck's has Daiya, too, but it is not on their online menu, so I cannot be sure.