Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In which I care about my health

Did you know that, regardless of how much time you spend exercising, sitting too much makes you less healthy? If you exercise for an hour every day, but spend the majority of the remaining time sitting down, your health outcomes are not that much different than those of a couch potato.

So, standing in the kicthen making sugar syrup, transferring my lemon peel infused vodka to a bigger jar, and mixing in the sugar syrup and more vodka today was clearly done because I care about my health! Now I just need to get some more sugar so that I can move my mint liqueur to the next step, too. You know, because I care about my health so much.

1 comment:

Susan G said...

I saw that article as well. It is interesting that when I went to the gym 2 hours every day, I didn't lose any weight. But when I got the dogs, I lost 5 lbs. without trying, due to constantly having to keep on top of them!